At the back of Big Picture Doncaster is a patch of land that has had various uses over the past couple of years. Our latest cohort of learners (advisory name “Assassins!”) have decided to get to grips with it and turn it into a garden space. They have visited Bentley Urban Farm next door for ideas and have plans for different areas of the space and how they might be used.

Sonny gets to work

Community is key at BPD!

Ajay and Alfie put their backs into it

This is a mammoth task, but we don’t give up

The starting point

The old pond
One section of the garden will be for growing plants and vegetables, and another will be developed as a seating area. The team also found an old bath that had been sunken into the ground by some former Big Picture learners and have decided that rather then use this as a pond this time they would like to dig another one and make use of the bath for compost.
As you can see from the pictures clearing the space was a challenge in itself but one of our Habits of Work and Learning focuses on taking on challenges and the Assassins rose to it without a problem. The teamwork shown by the group was also a real indication of how they are working as a community.

It was very overgrown

No worries for our hardworking assassins!