Big Picture Doncaster is a community in and of itself and allows learners a safe and secure environment wherein they can develop a sense of their role within a wider group and society.
We believe in the concept of Ubuntu.
Ubuntu means “I am, because you are”. Ubuntu is part of the Zulu phrase, “Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu,” which means that a person is a person through other people. So we are strong through each other’s strengths and when one of us is low, we all are. Our highs and lows, successes and failures, and losses and wins, are all shared amongst us, and are a result of how we live and work together, for the benefit of us all as part of the community.
As they progress, learners will use this base to become actively engaged in the wider community, drawing from community resources and contacts through their projects. Learners have the opportunity to explore their interests by drawing from the guidance and insight of community members with expertise in specific fields.
Big Picture Doncaster staff and advisors establish relationships with community members, professionals, and business leaders that can offer guidance and insight to learners in their projects. For many learners in Big Picture Learning schools, these relationships often lead to internships, employment, business partnerships, and future opportunities. learners are introduced to real-world experiences and see a larger connection to their work.
We aspire to foster good citizens who work with their community partners to put something back through a model of reciprocity for the time and energies their community has invested in them.