The staff team at Big Picture Doncaster has been renewed with an advisory and leadership team appointed that have a clear understanding of the aims and vision of Big Picture Learning. The principal overseeing the new provision has over a decade of experience in school leadership teams, extensive awareness and involvement with the global Big Picture organisation, and has previously established AP within a prominent MAT.
The advisory team have accessed over ten days of high level accredited training during the lockdown period and have already had successes with the current cohort of year 8 students who are now in a stronger position to succeed in mainstream education than when they joined the school. On top of this the team have been part of the online international conference from Big Picture and have weekly virtual CPD and one to one mentoring from an experienced Big Picture US lead each month.
The new referral and immersion process also enables the learners and advisors to build relationships in advance of the placement proper. Through these relationships advisors can build a learning plan and curriculum around the learner that is relevant to them and then use this relevance and interest to build rigour within the curriculum to develop attributes, and acquire new skills and knowledge.