Big Picture Doncaster is an inclusive provision for children in Years 5 – 8. We are part of the local offer from City of Doncaster Council and sit under Wave One of their graduated approach. Our focus is supporting young people who struggle with the challenges of transitioning to secondary school, or maintaining a successful position in mainstream education, with the aim of ensuring they can remain without the need for further, more complex intervention at a later stage, and crucially before they are disillusioned and distanced from school.

Referrals to Big Picture come through the Inclusion Panel and as well as referrals from schools themselves we also take referrals from other local services such as Attendance and Pupil Welfare.

From September 2024 we will have fully funded places for 24 learners in Years 5 and 6, and 24 learners in Years 7 and 8 each term, as well as 80 outreach places to support Year 6 transition divided equally between the Spring and Summer terms of 2025.

In the four years that Big Picture Doncaster has operated as an alternative provision we have supported over four hundred children and families, and the local authority quality assurance processes have found us to be successful in around 95% of these learners to improve their chances of success in education.